Thursday, November 13, 2008

Exploring Physical Education....make your mark

AY MATES! In class we went on a explorative scavenger hunt, exporing PER. We discovered new things suchs as people, statues, places, or important sports complex's. It was fun, we laughed, and enjoyed the activity at hand, yet little did we know that we were learning way more than we bargined for. My favortie part of the activity was singing to the Pool side people. It was fun and entertaining and really made us laugh and took us out of our element. The lesson showed that their are different ways to make kids active and take their mind off the fact that they are sweating and running. We were so preoccupied with winning and the cues, that we didn't even realize how much of a workout we were getting. This helps me in my own career because i would love to do activity's that take the students minds off of the physical part, and focus more on the fan part. In the end the children benfit not only because their active but also because they are having fun. I thought that as far as interdisicplinary teaching it would not be effective with high school or younger kids. Giving them the freedomt to run around the buliding would not be a good choice because people would leave class, or do things that they shouldn't be. It's way to risky, to take the chance of behavior problems. I thought overall the activity kept us active and was fun, but not realistic to do with students.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Morrison Cup...and the winner is.....(Lab D)

After countless hours of thinking, ideas flowing, and lots of panicking, i finally feel some relief. Finding out that not only was i going to teach lab D first, but i had to teach it on the ice, raised my blood pressure just a bit. I searched and searched what i was going to teach, and how. After careful review of my prior student teaching experience i realized that i had to step up my activity time and stop talking so much. I finally found a you tube video on body ball. I watched it, i liked it, so i changed it to fit my lesson plan on the ice. It's a game where it involves a lot of passing, and once you catch the ball you can't move you must immediately pass the ball to another player. The game ball has Velcro wrap around and on each side of the rink, each team had a goalie that wore an apron (that i bought from Walmartmy self, and glued Velcro too) that their teammates were to throw the ball, and have the ball stick to the apron for it to count as a goal! This time around i knew i would let the students have more fun and stop talking so much! I knew this because of my time-coding form. So because of this weekends event the cortica jug, i decided to have our own jug called the MORRISON CUP! i decorated a cup that said morrison cup on it and filled it with candy for the winning team. I showed them the video on youtube, told them safety rules, classroom rules, and off we went to playing the game on the ice! It was perfect people generally stopped worrying about ice skating and focused more on playing the game. Therefore their systems just took over and people began to ice skate a lot better because they were having fun and laughing! It was so nice to see everyone smiling and having fun! Every once and a while i changed the rules of the game. For example you could only throw with your non-dominate hand, or around your back. I thought in this instance all the students were the winners because they learned how to ice skate, how to be a team player, accuracy, throwing, all in one, and still had an awesome time!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Steering the ship to safety

To begin, all of you out there that think teaching is easy let me tell you, "YOUR WRONG." Teaching gives you a lot of responsibility. You are responsible for the safety of the children, or students you are with. You are responsible for maintaining a safe enviorment. Which in it's self is a broad category. Making sure no fights happen, that no one gets hurt, no one is out of control, no one skipps or leave class, or puts others in danger. It can get very overwhleming and very hetic. Sometimes i feel like i can't do it, but then i take a deep breathe and focus myself, and take learning how to teach one step at a time. This week teaching was a good experience for me. After analyzing all the data. I realized i talk to much. I mean i can't help it I am Italian. But i know i need to minimize the amount of time i spend talking and giving directions, and allowing the students to play and learn. My activity time was good, but my intruction time was way over what it should have been. This was a huge huge opener for me. I also think i get very nervous and i repeat the word "SO" alot. Like realy alot. That needs to for next time (just kidding) im going to focus on not saying so all the time. In addition i want to have alot of activity time because thats when students learn the most!


Activity Activity, STOP TALKING SO MUCH!!


This video outlines the new technology that is being incorporated into PE class!


A big part of productive physical education class is making it a fun enviroment that children can play in and learn!!


This is a video on a fun game called body ball!